Downtown Carleton Place BIA
The Downtown Carleton Place BIA promotes the downtown as a business and shopping area, not just a group of individual shops, restaurants, and offices. Our basic mandate is twofold; beautification and promotion. Our ongoing floral beautification, seasonal banner program, and decorative lighting add to the vibrant streetscape. We use promotional activities and special events to keep downtown Carleton Place foremost in the public’s mind as an attractive, pleasant place to shop, to be entertained, to work and to live. A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a is a geographic area in a municipality. A BIA board of management is an organization set up to provide certain business promotion and improvement functions within that area. At the request of the business community, the Downtown Carleton Place Business Improvement Association was formed in 1979 according to By-law 54-92. Amendments were later made on January 1, 2003, to define the current borders and operations of the BIA.
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