Adding Movement to Social Media with Videos from Canva (3 Part Series 3/3)

Adding Movement to Social Media with Videos from Canva (3 Part Series 3/3)

May 17, 2022 (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM) (EDT)


Hosted by the Small Business Advisory Centre 

Speaker: Jennifer Baker- Jennifer Baker Consulting 


Video is important to your brand’s social media! But video doesn’t have to be complicated! This webinar will guide participants through the creation of custom graphics and images that use animated elements/gifs, and stock video footage for use on Facebook, Instagram, and Stories. Participants will learn how to efficiently search for videos – and how to customize images through frames and cropping. This webinar is sure to improve your efficiency on this impressive online graphic design program – and help your business stand out on social media. 

Note: This webinar is a 3-part series. This is webinar 3/3. You do not have to attend all 3 sessions 

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May 17, 2022 (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM) (EDT)
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